22 Silhouette 5/2024

From Hanna Morelock: I’m happy to report we’ve managed to wobble and teeter our way through another all standing silhouette match.Top honors in this month’s match go to Brad Snow, shooting the highest score of the year so far- a very nice 27. Great shooting, Brad! Jeff Vicars came in 2nd with a 25. High turkey (still our arch nemesis) was a three way tie this match between Jim Horton, Jeff Vicars, and myself with 6 turkeys each. Six has been the highest total of those birds this year so somebody is going to have to pull ahead and knock over at least 7! As always, there was plenty of fun to go around. Come out and join us! Next match will be Tuesday, June 11. 

In other silhouette news…

-Our silhouette tshirt order is underway. If you haven’t already signed up and would like to get on the list, please send me a message with your name and size or the sign-up sheet will be at the modified match at the end of this month. That will be the last day to place an order. S-XL $15, XXL $17, XXXL $18. Pay when shirts arrive (should be sometime in June). Photo of shirt attached. 

-The Long Range Match will be Monday, May 20, beginning at 2:00pm and the Modified Match will be Saturday, May 25, beginning at 8:00am. Make plans to come join the fun!