From Steve Pennington:
The day started a little on the cool side but we had 12 competitors show up and shoot 38 targets. The competition was close as usual. I have really enjoyed being a part of this group, thanks to all that have helped and shot the matches this year. We finished today with a lunch and visiting, thank you Wayne for getting the food and Bill for running the grill. Today we got to shoot, eat and fellowship, no matter what the score that anyone shot, we had a good time together today and that is what is important. This was a great way to end the season!
Now here are the results:
Open Sight
- Ted Combs 250-21X
- Wayne Fish 250-14X
- Ethan Pennington 250-12X
- Bill Anderson 249-16X
- Jeff Vicars 248-11X
- Mark Harrison 247-12X
- Steve Pennington 246-5X
- Jim Horton 245-13X
- Claude Pennington 243-11X
- Dennis Rutledge 241-9X
- Jimmy Larkin 229-5X
- Ted Combs 248-11X
- Jimmy Larkin 247-9X
- Wayne Fish 244-9X
- Jeff Vicars 240-7X
- Mark Harrison 239-4X
- Dennis Rutledge 233-2X
- Bill Anderson 228-3X
- Steve Pennington 249-10X
- Claude Pennington 248-12X
- Jeff Vicars 248-11X (Tiebreaker)
- Jim Horton 248-11X
- Ethan Pennington 248-8X
- Ted Combs 246-6X
- Bill Anderson 241-6X
- Wayne Fish 235-6X
- Dennis Rutledge 231-3X
- Claude Pennington 250-14X
- Ethan Pennington 250-12X
- Steve Pennington 250-10X
- Ted Combs 249-10X
- Jeff Vicars 249-7X
- Wayne Fish 248-7X
- Dennis Rutledge 239-4X
See you all next season!!